Karsten Maier

Social media

Karsten Maier

UECBV Secretary General since 2019

Past positions in sugar associations in Germany

Graduated from University of Hohenheim, agricultural science, PH.D. in agro-economics

UECBV represents more than 50 associations out of :

  • 24 EU Member States + certain EFTA countries and UK.
  • EU trade partners in the meat sector are also associated to the UECBV (like Japan and Ukraine)

UECBV focuses on cattle, beef / horses, horsemeat / sheep and goats, sheep and goat meat / pigs, pork.

Represents in addition 3 European Associations

  • Livestock markets (AEMB)
  • Natural Casings industry (ENSCA)
  • Ship suppliers (OCEAN)

    In total, some 20,000 firms of all sizes and over 230,000 jobs are represented within the UECBV through its national member federations.

09:35 - 11:05

Przyszła WPR w kontekście akcesji Ukrainy – szanse i zagrożenia

Debata byłych Ministrów Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, Europosłów.

16:50 - 17:50

Rola WPR w wyznaczaniu kierunków zrównoważonej transformacji uczestników łańcucha wartości wołowiny

Debata dotycząca możliwości i potrzeby wspierania transformacji producentów w ramach polityki rolnej.